Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Resources of North-East India


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17 May 2019, 14:34

Joined: 29 Oct 2014, 12:35
Posts: 42

I am happy to inform all of you that in the new upgraded BABRONE database, many new features have been added recently, e.g. links to Open Access literature search sites, Free online courses and online biology lectures, a laboratory manual on basis molecular biology, etc. As suggested by the Expert Committee of DBT during review, we have also incorporated the provision of uploading/submission of nucelotide/protein sequences and protein structures into the database with an aim to develop a local repository of genomic/proteomic resources contributed by the scientists of NER. I, therefore, request you kindly to send us simply the Accession Numbers of such resources already published in international databases against the name of the contributors. However, the profile of at least one of the contributors must be included in the database.

I, therefore, would like to request you to visit our site: and access the free resources available.

Looking forward to your positive response and kind help in developing the resources further in the interest of growth of science education and research in our region.

Probodh Borah

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