Scientist Profile

Details of Research Publications (National + International)

Author Names Topic Journal Name Volume Number Issue Number Page Number Year Published Impact Factor
Sharma S, Haldar C, Chaube SK, Laxmi T and Singh SS. Long-term melatonin administration attenuates low-LET c-radiation-induced lymphatic tissue injury during the reproductively active and inactive phases of Indian palm squirrels (Funambulus pennanti).The British J. of Radiol.83137–1512010
Singh SS and Haldar C.Peripheral melatonin modulates seasonal immunity and reproduction of Indian tropical male bird, Perdicula asiatica.Comp. Biochem. Physiol.A 146446-4502007
Singh SS and Haldar C.Biological significance of daily in immunity of Perdicula asiatica: role of melatonin and testosterone. Biol. Rhythm Res. 3895-1062007
Singh SS, Haldar C and Rai S.Melatonin and differential effect of L-thyroxin on immune system of Indian tropical bird Perdicula asiatica.Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.145215-2212006
Haldar C, Sharma S and Singh SS.Reproductive phase dependent circadian variations of plasma melatonin, testosterone, thyroxine and corticosterone in Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti.Biol. Rhythm Res.3711-102006
Singh SS and Haldar C. Melatonin prevents testosterone-induced suppression of immune parameters and splenocyte proliferation in Indian tropical jungle bush quail, Perdicula asiatica. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.141226-2322005
Rai S, Haldar C and Singh SS.Trade-off between L-thyroxin and melatonin in immune regulation of the Indian palm squirrel, Funambulus pennanti during the reproductively inactive phase. Neuroendocrinol.82103-1102005
Haldar C, Sharma S and Singh SSAnnual variation of plasma melatonin following pinealectomy and melatonin administration in Indian tropical rodent, F. pennanti. Biogenic Amines182131-1412004
Sharma S, Haldar C and Singh SS. Effect of single low intensity light pulse exposure and melatonin treatment on the circadian variation of melatonin in Indian palm squirrel, F. pennanti.Biol. Rhym. Res.344237-2462003
Haldar C and Singh SS.Seasonal changes in melatonin and immunological adaptations in birds.J. Endocrinol. Reprod.49 – 632001


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