Scientist Profile

Details of Research Publications (National + International)

Author Names Topic Journal Name Volume Number Issue Number Page Number Year Published Impact Factor
Dr. Dulal Chandra BoruahHypolipidemic activity of crude polyphenols from the leaves of Clerodendron colebrookianum Walpin cholesterol fed rats.Journal of Food Science and Technology
Dr. Dulal Chandra BoruahIn vitro antioxidant and in vivo antihyperlipidemic activity of a di-herbal formulation of Clerodendron colebrookianum Walp and Allium sativum in hyperlipidemic rats.  Journal of Pharmacy Research563343-3349
Dr. Dulal Chandra BoruahGenotoxic effect on buccal epithelial cells of betel quid chewers by micronuclei assay.Asian journal of experimental biological sciences43491-494
Dr. Dulal Chandra BoruahAntioxidant and antigenotoxic effects of pupae of the muga silkworm Antheraea assamensis.Food Bioscience5108–114
Dr. Dulal Chandra BoruahLeaf extract of Clerodendron colebrookianum inhibits intrinsic hypercholesterolemia and extrinsic lipid peroxidation. International Journal of PharmTech Research32960-967
Dr. Dulal Chandra BoruahLeaf extract of Clerodendron colebrookianum inhibits intrinsic hypercholesterolemia and extrinsic lipid peroxidation.International Journal of PharmTech Research32960-967
Dr. Dulal Chandra BoruahHypolipidemic and Antiatherosclorotic Effect of Dried pulpof Garcinia Morella L fruit in Cholesterol Fed Mice. Asian journal of experimental biological sciences22237-2452011
Dr. Dulal Chandra BoruahTrace elements status in eleven medicinal plants growing in the lower Bhahmaputra valley.Nature and Environment130-34


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