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When battling COVID-19, another agricultural pandemic on its way – African Swine Fever

                                               Dr. Sangeeta Das                                              M.V.Sc Scholar Department of Veterinary Microbiology College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati-22 Email id: sangitakashyap9864@gmail.com [This article has been published in view of the current

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Bhanita Talukdar Research Scholar  Cotton University Edible flowers have been used in culinary arts for flavour and garnish for hundreds of years. Most edible flowers are seasonal and some are sold in local markets. The most common way to consume edible flowers is in fresh but they can also be consumed dried, canned

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Editorial(14th issue)

Need of Resetting Our Priorities The global pandemic CoViD-19 has changed the face of the world. After the 1918 Spanish Flu, it is for the first time that the world has experienced such a catastrophic impact of an infectious disease. It has affected the mankind to such an extent that an

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