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Stem cells and their therapeutic potential

Dr. Bhabesh Mili1 and Dr. Amrit Gogoi2 1Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Physiology & Biochemistry 2Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathology   College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry Central Agricultural University, Jalukie-797110, Peren, Nagaland. Email ID: bhabamili@gmail.com,   mili.cvsngl@govt.in Mobile No: 8131891253 Introduction: Stem cells are the unspecialized cells which can make exact copies of them

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শাক-পাচলিৰ উপকাৰিতা

দীপক আৰু পাহিৰ মনত আজি খুব ফূৰ্তি। আজি নগাঁৱৰ পৰা ককাক-আইতাক আহিব। স্কুলৰ পৰা আহিয়েই সিহঁতে মাকক সুধি সুধি ব্যতিব্যস্ত কৰিলে – “মা, ককা-আইতা দেখোন অহাই নাই। কেতিয়া পাবহি? ইমান দেৰি কৰিছে!” সিহঁতৰ কথা শুনি মাকে ক’লে – “তেওঁলোক আহি পাবহিয়েই, তোমালোকে হাত-ভৰি ধুই লোৱাঁ। একেলগে ককা-আইতাৰ লগতে ভাত খাব

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TANMOY KARAK | Principal Scientist (Soils) TEA RESEARCH ASSOCIATION Upper Assam Advisory Centre Dikom-786101, Dibrugarh, Assam, India Email: tanmay.karak@gmail.com ; t.karak@tocklai.net Web: www.tocklai.org   Born and brought up in a small village named Kharika, in Midnapore district (W) of West Bengal, Dr. Tanmoy Karakhas been serving as a Principal Scientist (Soils) since 2015 at Upper Assam Advisory Centre, Tea Research Association, Dikom, Dibrugarh in Assam, India. Prior to

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Editorial (Tenth Issue)

Need of a regional platform of the scientists of NER The North East Region of India is known for its rich biodiversity in terms of natural flora and fauna as well as ethnic diversity. It is needless to mention that the region is yet to harness its great potential for development

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