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A Botanical trip to Menchukha

Mepi Timba and Tonlong Wangpan Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh-791112, Arunachal Pradesh Introduction Menchukha is a small town rested at an elevation of about 1500 to 3600 m MSL in the Shi-Yomi District of Arunachal Pradesh. It lies between 28°35'42.3'' and 28°35'58.3'' North Latitude; and 94°08'39.2" and 94°07'57.2" East Longitude. After Menchukha,

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Quest: A search for carnivorous plant

Text and photographs by Dr. Saidul Islam We diverted our route from Bahalpur, a small settlement just crossing the Champawati river, towards Kokrajhar. This south bound glacial river originates in the far reaches of the Bhutanese mountain. During this winter, I saw calm waters flowing gently down into the river Brahmaputra.

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