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Emerging Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics: A Storm Ahead

Shyamalima Saikia, Minakshi Puzari and Pankaj Chetia* Molecular Plant Taxonomy and Bioinformatics Research Laboratory Department of Life Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh-786004, Assam *Corresponding author email: chetiapankaj@dibru.ac.in   Abstract Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global public health concern. AMR adversely affects clinical and therapeutic outcomes, resulting in treatment failures, elevated morbidity and mortality rates, longer hospital

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অণুজীৱ বিজ্ঞানৰ চমু ইতিহাস (খণ্ড – ১)

অণুজীৱ বিজ্ঞানৰ চমু ইতিহাস (খণ্ড – ১) ড° প্ৰবোধ বৰা গৱেষণা সঞ্চালক (পশুচিকিৎসা) অসম কৃষি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, খানাপাৰা, গুৱাহাটী-৭৮১ ০২২   প্ৰাচীন কালত মানুহে ৰোগৰ সৈতে জড়িত বিভিন্ন কাৰকবোৰ চিনাক্ত কৰিবলৈ অহৰহ প্ৰয়াস কৰিছিল। ভাৰত, পাকিস্তান আৰু স্কটলেণ্ড আদি দেশত খৃষ্টপূৰ্ব ২৮০০ মানতে গঢ়ি উঠা মানৱ সভ্যতাত শৌচাগাৰ আৰু অনাময় ব্যৱস্থাৰ প্ৰচলন থকাৰ বিষয়ে প্ৰামাণিক তথ্য

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Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity

The latest advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is rapidly trickling down diverse fields of application transforming the landscape of human activities and day-to-day life, which is supposed have profound implications for the future of humanity. Artificial Intelligence offers tremendous potential to enhance various aspects of life, from healthcare and

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Research Highlights(29th Issue)

Unraveling an ancient extinct bird The phenotypic properties of many extinct species like Dinosaurs could be determined by sequencing the fossil DNA using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology. Recently, researchers from multiple institutes have sequenced the complete genome of an extinct flightless turkey-sized bird, the little bush moa (Anomalopteryx didiformis). It

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