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Editorial (Tenth Issue)


Need of a regional platform of the scientists of NER

The North East Region of India is known for its rich biodiversity in terms of natural flora and fauna as well as ethnic diversity. It is needless to mention that the region is yet to harness its great potential for development based on these resources. It is basically due to lack of awareness and enterprising attitude among the people of the region, inadequacy of existing infrastructure, paucity of requisite expertise and capital investments, as well as a perennial negligence on the part of the concerned authorities to do effective exploitation of the resources of the region for the benefit of its populace. The poor state of the existing infrastructure for science education across different strata, be it in the secondary or higher education level, has also contributed towards lack of motivation among the youngsters to take science as a career option which has led to the insufficiency of skilled manpower in the region.

      It is a matter of great satisfaction that realizing the inadequacies in the available infrastructure and the great development potential of the region, the Govt. of India has been taking some strong initiatives for improving the situation by investing 10% of the plan budget in the NER since 2008. The different ministries of the central government have initiated a number of NER-centric programmes during the last decade for strengthening infrastructure for science education and research as well as for manpower development. However, it is a matter of great concern that in spite of investment of a reasonable amount of public money for implementing such programmes, the region is yet to get the desired lift towards development. This is partly due to the inherent inadequacies in the plans and programmes owing to lack of needed connection to the ground realities and expectations, and on the other part, due to the inability of the scientific fraternity of the region to capitalize on the opportunities brought before them by such initiatives of the government.

      In one hand, the scientific fraternity of the region has not been able to comprehend and bring to the notice of the concerned authorities the ground realities of the region and the interventions needed to properly harness its development potential. On the other hand, they are not having a consensus opinion on the needs of the region due to lack of a common platform for exchange of views and for raising a united voice as and when warranted. As a result, many a times the opportunities brought by various NER-centric initiatives of the government are carted off by some unscrupulous, greedy profit-mongers even from outside the region.

      Therefore, to discuss and decide about the problems and prospects of the region as well as to make the voice of the scientific fraternity of the region audible at the echelon of power in the interest of development of the region, a common platform is necessary to be established immediately among the scientists of the region. It may be in the form of a Regional Science Congress or Forum, wherein all scientists of the region across disciplines can participate and exchange their views periodically through various means.

      I fervently request all the scientists of the region kindly to give a serious thought in this direction and express their views on the matter and suggest how to materialize this dream at the earliest in the interest of all of us.

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