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Editorial (First Issue)


I welcome you to the first issue of “BioNE” by quoting one of the famous lines of Great Philosopher Plato- “The beginning is the most important part of the work”. The journey of this e-zine started in a small and informal lab gathering probably about two months back. The need for an e-zine or something similar to it, being published from this part of the country was felt since the inception of the Animal Biotechnology Postgraduate Programme and the State Biotech Hub in this faculty. This was one of the targets of our group set by the actual mastermind behind this project, the mentor of the lab and one of the advisers of BioNE Editorial Board, Prof. Dr. Probodh Borah. My job, as the Editor was made very easy by a small cohesive group of about fifteen people from different backgrounds working in synchrony by complementing each other. The credit for successful implementation of this mission is entirely theirs. In the days to come, we see BioNE, to become an easily accessible and popular platform for the young minds engaged in the field of broad area of Biology, to share their ideas, views, experiences and most importantly problems they face in their actual workbench. Realizing these objectives, different sections have been created in the e-zine which, of course, are not exhaustive and will grow or modify with your valuable inputs in the near future.

Friends, I would like to quickly draw your attention to one of the most important issues of the present time, which concerns not only each one of us but also the generations to come on this planet……. Yes you are right! Global Warming and Green House Gases (GHG). As you are aware that India has recently ratified the Paris Convention on Climate Change on 2nd October 2016 and being a signatory it assures significant reduction of GHG emission by 2020. This goal can only be achieved when each one of us will realize the gravity of the matter and would work collectively in this direction. So, as a responsible son or daughter of the Mother Nature, let us work at our individual level to achieve this goal and make as many people aware as possible, so that we can protect the environment from a situation that we have experienced in Delhi recently. Otherwise, that day is not very far away, when the dwellers of villages and countryside small towns of India will also start breathing toxic fumes and smog.

Without lengthening further, I would like to conclude by thanking one and all associated with the genesis of BioNE and hope that it will be able to meet the aspirations of its readers for years to come but before winding up again let me borrow a line from the famous British writer, Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien who said “There is some good in this world and it’s worth fighting for. Thank you all. Long Live BioNE.

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