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Letter To The Editor (23rd Issue)


To the Editor,

I congratulate the entire BioNE team on successful publishing of the 23rd issue of the e-zine. As an active reader of BioNE, I take tremendous pleasure in observing its success and progress. I would like to extend my gratitude to the entire BioNE team for providing us with such a fantastic and instructive platform. With the help of this site, we are able to learn about new and diverse scientific issues, discoveries and information, which are beneficial to us in a variety of ways, particularly from the perspectives of acquiring knowledge and propagating that knowledge among the masses. It aims to offer academics, undergraduate and graduate students working in the field of biology and allied fields with an easily accessible platform for sharing their information, experience, perspectives and ideas.

Thanks to its comprehensive contents and exciting new issues every time. I hope to learn more and more from this platform in the future. Again, my heartfelt congratulations to the entire BioNE team and best wishes for their future endeavours.


Dr. Mrinmoy Choudhury

M.V.Sc Scholar

Department of Animal Biotechnology

Dear Editor,

I want to start by congratulating the entire BioNE team for creating a common platform for scientists to share their knowledge. BioNE was started by the team BABRONE, CVSc, AAU, Guwahati-22. Your dedication, tenacity and resolve have made it possible for the BioNE to be where it is now. India’s North Eastern region is a hotspot for biodiversity. Each of the states in North East India has its own distinct bioresources and distinctive biodiversity. Therefore, an e-magazine like BioNE is greatly needed to keep us informed on the most recent events. Congratulations to you and your entire team on this accomplishment, and I wish success for your publication in future too.

Yours sincerely,


Dr. Shivam Bhargava

MVSc scholar

Department of Animal Biotechnology

College of Veterinary Science,

AAU, Khanapara, Guwahati -22


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