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Three Empty Chairs at Nobel Award Ceremony at Oslo and A Sad Story at Our Neighbourhood


On December 10, 2010 about 5000 guests across the entire globe thronged the beautifully decorated Oslo City Hall, Oslo, Norway to witness the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony. Unlike the previous years, the ceremony that year was little different because the winner of the prize could not be present at Oslo to receive the highest and most coveted honour in the field as he was under detention by the Chinese Government at that time. The winner of the prize that year was a Chinese national, Dr. Liu Xiaobo, who was a Professor at Beijing Normal University, a social activist, a noted and influential author of that time and a prodemocracy activist.

Dr. Xiaobo was under arrest since 2009 and has been recently (on 26-06-2017) released from jail considering his terminal illness. Dr. Xiaobo has been diagnosed to be suffering from a very advanced stage of liver cancer. Release of the Nobel laureate Dr. Liu Xiaobo from jail by Chinese administration on medical parole has been regarded by many as an event of “Relief and Deep Worry” as has been termed by Nobel Peace Committee, Oslo. The reason for all these state-sponsored atrocities on the family is that Dr. Xiaobo  is a disbeliever of the Chinese single party rule and is a supporter of true democracy in China. Dr. Liu Xiaobo was born in an intellectual family in China. After completion of education in his home country, he joined Beijing Normal University as a lecturer of Chinese Literature. While working as a Professor at Beijing Normal University, he authored a number of articles and books which created great sensation throughout the country and was able to motivate and mobilise the masses towards the demand of establishment of true democracy in China. He was also a strong supporter of infamous 1989 Tiananmen Square Demonstration. Because of the political difference, Chinese Government chose to bulldoze his voice by removing him as Professor, not allowing him to publish any article and to deliver any public lecture, and put him behind the bar since 2009 to finally release only recently.

Recognizing his contribution towards protection of rights of under-privileged section of the society and for raising his voice against violation of human rights in China, he was conferred with the most prestigious award on the earth, the Nobel Peace Prize in the year 2010, which he could not receive in person. Dr. Xiaobo’s absence at Oslo was represented with empty chairs on the stage by the Nobel Peace Committee on the day of the Nobel Ceremony. We as peace-loving global citizens salute the indomitable spirit of Dr. Xiaobo and believe that his story will continue to inspire many generations to come in the future.

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