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Fourth Issue

            We believe that behind every invention and discovery there is always a curious mind working. This section of BioNE, is dedicated to all those young curious minds who have been thinking and working on unexplored possibilities in the horizon of biological sciences. Today’s learning

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Editorial (Fourth Issue)

Rapid development in the field of science and technology has made life much easier and comfortable. With increase in use of modern machines in day to day activities we are becoming increasingly technology dependent. Information and communication have also witnessed tremendous changes during the course of the last two decades.

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Should biotechnology be introduced as a subject at higher secondary level by school board / councils in the north east region of India?

According to me, it will be a great initiative to introduce Biotechnology as a subject at Higher Secondary Level by school boards/councils in NE India. Biotechnology is relatively a new research based subject which requires good infrastructure, equipments, trained teachers and expertise in acquiring new skills. For this subject to

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ফলাহাৰৰ লগত জড়িত এনকেফেলাইটিচ

ভগৎ লাল দত্ত কনচাল্টেণ্ট চাইণ্টিষ্ট এনকেফেলাইটিচ (Encephalitis, এনচেফেলাইটিচ বুলিও কোৱা হয় ) হৈছে এক প্ৰকাৰৰ মস্তিষ্কৰ প্ৰদাহ (মস্তিষ্ক জ্বৰ)। ইয়াত আক্ৰান্ত হ’লে মস্তিষ্কৰ কোষসমুহ ফুলি উঠি নষ্ট হ’বলৈ ধৰে। পৰৱৰ্তী পৰ্যায়ত মস্তিষ্কৰ ভিতৰত ৰক্তক্ষৰণ হয়। ই বহু পৰিমাণে ঘাতক, প্ৰাণ হানিৰ সম্ভাৱনা যথেষ্ট বেছি। ইয়াৰ চকুত পৰিব পৰা বাহ্যিক লক্ষণ হিচাপে তীব্ৰ

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