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Let’s be optimistic!

  The current pandemic COVID 19 has undoubtedly shown immense negative impact on diverse sectors affecting all countries of the world, irrespective of whether rich or poor. Its direct impact on people’s health and economy, social relationship, sustenance of livelihood and employment, business and education has been felt most, and has

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Editorial (17th Issue)

Indian Science: Need for a Change             It’s a matter of great satisfaction that in terms of total spending on research and development, India stands among the top 10 countries of the world with an annual spending of 66.5 billion USD as in 2010. Although this amount is measurably lesser than

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Editorial (16th Issue)

COVID 19 Vaccine: Prospects & Apprehensions In the quest for finding an effective vaccine at the earliest to control the devastating COVID 19 pandemic, there has been an undeclared competition among different agencies and pharmaceutical companies to have the first approval for such a vaccine. After obtaining promising results from clinical

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Editorial(15th issue)

Lessons LEARNED from covid-19 pandemic               After 1918 Spanish Flu, the ongoing COVID-19 is the greatest pandemic affecting millions of people across 213 countries of the world. No other hitherto known disease has affected people across so many different countries and territories of the world together. To deal with the increasing

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Editorial(14th issue)

Need of Resetting Our Priorities The global pandemic CoViD-19 has changed the face of the world. After the 1918 Spanish Flu, it is for the first time that the world has experienced such a catastrophic impact of an infectious disease. It has affected the mankind to such an extent that an

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Editorial(13th issue)

It’s time to implement the Biotech Policy of Assam   Fulfilling a long-felt need of the State and gratifying the expectations of the scientific fraternity, the Government of Assam adopted the Biotech Policy for the State of Assam 2018-22 in the year 2017 and the same was launched by the Hon’ble Chief

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Editorial (Twelfth Issue)

NEED TO STRENGTHEN THE STATE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY COUNCILS It is needless to emphasize that the Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, through its three departments, Department of Science & Technology (DST), Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and Department Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) has been rendering yeoman service to the

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Editorial (Eleventh Issue)

URGENT NEED OF A STATE ACTION PLAN ON AMR    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has emerged as a major threat to public health (WHO, 2014a). It is estimated that infections by antibiotic resistant pathogens cause 700,000 to several million deaths per year (WHO, 2014b; O’nell, 2016). In the United States alone, at least

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Editorial (Tenth Issue)

Need of a regional platform of the scientists of NER The North East Region of India is known for its rich biodiversity in terms of natural flora and fauna as well as ethnic diversity. It is needless to mention that the region is yet to harness its great potential for development

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