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Curiosity(30th Issue)


Jissu Saikia, Class X, St. Mary’s High School, North Lakhimpur

Question: Is there any way to travel in the speed of light?

Answer: The speed of light is estimated as 299,792,458 meters per second. At that speed, one could circle the Earth more than seven times in a single second. Our current understanding of physics and the limits of the natural world suggest that there is no way to travel at the speed of light. A light-speed travel or faster-than-light travel are physical impossibilities, especially for anything having a mass, such as spacecraft and humans.

Nimisha Pathak, Class X, St. Mary’s High School, North Lakhimpur

Question: Why does the cow has four stomachs?

Answer: Cows really do not have four stomachs. Instead, they have four different chambers/ compartments in a single stomach. The chambers and their functions are as mentioned below:

  1. Rumen: Stores food and allows for fermentation.
  2. Reticulum: Further breaks down food particles.
  3. Omasum: Absorbs water and nutrients.
  4. Abomasum: Functions like a true stomach, secreting digestive enzymes to break down food. These compartments help cows digest tough and fibrous plant material.

Koushik Saikia, Class X, Don Bosco English School, North Lakhimpur

Question: Why is greenery good for our eyes?

Answer: Green colour does not really have any special sight-improving power. By looking at greenery, the eye can focus on an object far away. Our eye muscles get relaxed when we look far away. That’s how looking at greenery is considered good for our eyes.

Angshuman Kashyap, Class X, Don Bosco English School, North Lakhimpur

Question: How many heart chambers do the amphibians have?

Answer: Amphibians have a three-chambered heart, which is quite different from the four-chambered heart of most other vertebrates. The chambers are the atrium, the ventricle, and the conus arteriosus. The atrium is the upper chamber that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs or gills. Blood then passes into the ventricle, which is a larger chamber that pumps blood to both the gills and the body organs. Finally, blood is pushed out into the conus arteriosus, from where it is circulated to various parts of the body.

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