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Editorial ( Ninth Issue)

Genetically Modified Organisms and ethical concerns   There has been a huge controversy since the advent of recombinant DNA technology in respect of its use to transform agricultural plants and animals. While those who are in favour of this technology offer their arguments centering around the possible role of GMOs in lowering

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Editorial ( Eighth Issue)

Science Education in India – Some Stray Thoughts “There is only one solution for India’s economic problems and that is science, more science and still more science.”- C.V. Raman  “It is science alone that can solve the problems of hunger and poverty, of insanitation and malnutrition, of illiteracy and obscurantism of superstition

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Editorial (Sixth Issue)

Does the Impact Factor reflect the real impact?   What is the impact factor of this journal? What is your total impact factor? What is the average impact factor of your publications? Well, these are some of the very common questions we encounter every now and then, being related to the field of academics

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Editorial (Fifth Issue)

  Are you falling a Prey to....?? Friends, I exactly don’t remember, it was when I first got an e-mail requesting an article for publication...., it would be somewhere in the 2010 or 2011, during the days of my masters. Until then, I never had realized that my work, even as a

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Editorial (Fourth Issue)

Rapid development in the field of science and technology has made life much easier and comfortable. With increase in use of modern machines in day to day activities we are becoming increasingly technology dependent. Information and communication have also witnessed tremendous changes during the course of the last two decades.

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Editorial (Third Issue)

Friends, here we dedicate the third issue of BioNE to you. We are happy to share with you all that our journey has achieved yet another landmark and an ISSN number has recently been assigned to our e-zine. India as a whole and especially, the North Eastern Region is exceptionally rich

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Editorial (Second Issue)

We are overwhelmed by the encouraging response the launching issue of BioNE received from the readers and it’s our immense pleasure to bring out the 2nd issue of the e-zine with a rejuvenated new look. Keeping pace with the other science disciplines, biological sciences per se are also evolving rapidly.

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Editorial (First Issue)

I welcome you to the first issue of “BioNE” by quoting one of the famous lines of Great Philosopher Plato- “The beginning is the most important part of the work”. The journey of this e-zine started in a small and informal lab gathering probably about two months back. The need for

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