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Historical Perspective The original concept of the pharmacophore was developed by Paul Ehrlich during the late 1800s. At that time, the understanding was that certain “chemical groups” or functions in a molecule were responsible for a biological effect, and molecules with similar effect had similar functions in common. The word pharmacophore was

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Fifth Issue

  We believe that behind every invention and discovery there is always a curious mind working. This section of BioNE, is dedicated to all those young curious minds who have been thinking and working on unexplored possibilities in the horizon of biological sciences. Today’s learning process is no longer confined

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Considering the latest scientific developments, there is a need to incorporate more contents related to molecular biology and bioinformatics in the undergraduate biology curricula of universities in India

Evolution has made its existence right from the formation of our planet earth; and after the appearance of human beings, study of science has covered a milestone. Biology literally means “the study of life”, a study of living mysteries, from the working of a protein molecule to the growth of

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