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17th Issue

১। কি বিসংগতিৰ বাবে সাধাৰণ দম্পত্তি এহালৰ তৃতীয় লিঙ্গৰ সন্তান জন্ম হয়?                                       পলাশ শইকীয়া, দশম শ্ৰেণী, বাধাকাৰা হাইস্কুল, লক্ষীমপুৰ উত্তৰঃ গৰ্ভস্থ অৱস্থাত স্ত্ৰীলিংগ বিশিষ্ট ভ্ৰূণ এটাৰ ওপৰত অধিক পৰিমাণে পুৰুষ হৰম’ন (testosterone) ৰ

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16th Issue

CURIOSITY QUESTIONS from students of Kendriya Vidyalaya, IIT, Guwahati Question: What is the mystery behind Bermuda Triangle?                                                                      

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15th issue

CURIOSITY QUESTIONS from students of Kendriya Vidyalaya, IIT, Guwahati   1. Why is water colourless and tasteless?                         Tusti Sarma, Class VII Ans. Taste depends on the pH of a solution which is nothing but the negative logarithm of H + ion concentration. As pure water has equal concentrations of H+ and OH-

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13th issue

Question: How much blood do we have in our human body?                                                                                     Ms. Barasha Baruah, Class-VI Mangaldai Town Girls’ H.S School Answer: On an average, an adult human has around 4.7 to 5.5 liters of blood. The volume of blood is approximately 7 percent of one’s body weight. However, it is highly variable

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Twelfth Issue

প্ৰশ্ন: জীৱৰ বংশগতিত DNA-ৰ ভূমিকা কি? -           লাটু বৰা, উচ্চতৰ মাধ্যমিক ২য় বৰ্ষ                                                                            জিনিয়াচ

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Eleventh Issue

We believe that behind every invention and discovery there is always a curious mind working. This section of BioNE, is dedicated to all those young curious minds who have been thinking and working on unexplored possibilities in the horizon of biological sciences. Today’s learning process is no longer confined in

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Tenth Issue

We believe that behind every invention and discovery there is always a curious mind working. This section of BioNE, is dedicated to all those young curious minds who have been thinking and working on unexplored possibilities in the horizon of biological sciences. Today’s learning process is no longer confined in

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Ninth Issue

We believe that behind every invention and discovery there is always a curious mind working. This section of BioNE, is dedicated to all those young curious minds who have been thinking and working on unexplored possibilities in the horizon of biological sciences. Today’s learning process is no longer confined in

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Eighth Issue

We believe that behind every invention and discovery there is always a curious mind working. This section of BioNE, is dedicated to all those young curious minds who have been thinking and working on unexplored possibilities in the horizon of biological sciences. Today’s learning process is no longer confined in

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